Given the healthcare industry’s trend towards consolidation, facilities are joining together, operating under a corporate or larger organization. This often creates a number of challenges in managing the Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) that is generated across a group’s multiple locations.
Ideally, predictable billing, a single trusted vendor across locations, and ease of reporting to regulatory agencies should be the goal. Traditionally, this is not what happens.
What often occurs is:
Management struggles with invoice variances resulting from multiple vendors contracted at their various locations.
Costly bills result due to over or under-scheduling when anticipated waste generation does not match up to the contracted service levels.
The geographic spread of an organization’s facilities forces the contracting with multiple hauling vendors, mitigating bargaining power and detracting from any standardization initiatives.
Service barrier issues ensue with remote locations having limited medical-waste service options.
Reporting errors across locations, leading to severe fines.
i.e., Medical Waste Manifests, Certificate of Destruction, DOT papers, and applicable local and state reporting requirements
If you represent a multi-site healthcare organization, one of the best options you can take advantage of is to use a certified on-premise option that allows each location to efficiently treat the medical waste and then dispose of that treated waste in the regular municipal trash.
An on-premise option means no more scheduling third-party hauler trucks, no piling up of RMW at a facility (wasted space!), and no confusing multiple vendor invoicing. The on-premise unit is loaded at the location by staff, and with a press of a button, the waste is treated and then easily disposed of along with the facility’s regular trash.
OnSite Waste is the preferred on-premise medical-waste solution with its smart, compact, easy-to-use technology that is promoting a safe and clean work space for staff and patients!
With OnSite Waste:
Management will have predictable billing and more control over budgeting
Over and under-scheduling issues are eliminated
All facilities are provided with a consistent, standardized solution (even remote sites!)
Regulatory reporting and container replenishment ordering occurs through an automated system
Click here to explore what our desktop sterilization option can achieve in managing RMW across all of your locations!